A Christian Preschool Career Fair will be held on 15 March 2025 (Saturday), dedicated to helping educators like you discover new opportunities, reignite your calling, and connect with like-minded educators.
15 February 2025
The Explorers Passing Out Parade on 20 November 2024 was a momentous occasion, honouring the Explorers' growth and accomplishments, with more than 100 guests reflecting on their remarkable journey.
20 November 2024
Find Out More →
Notice is hereby given that Kingdomgarten Preschool Services Limited’s upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting 2024 will be held on 12 December 2024.
23 October 2024
On 24 August 2024, over 300 preschool staff from 90 preschools/churches came together with a shared purpose at the Christian Early Childhood Teachers' Day Dedication Service 2024 - Check out and see the highlights of the service!
26 August 2024
A Christian Early Childhood (EC) Career Fair will be held on 12 July, coordinated under the Christian Preschool Alliance (CPA) Singapore. It aims to showcase Christian Preschools across Singapore that Christians can possibly serve in.
30 June 2024
Christian brothers & sisters in the early childhood sector & Sunday school ministry joined the annual Teachers’ Day Dedication Service on 19 Aug 2023 to gather together as God’s family to celebrate & be spiritually ministered by Christian Ministers on our calling for the early childhood ministry. This year’s dedication service was organised by the Lutheran denomination.
Updated 24 August 2023
The 2023 KinderMovementSG workshop aims to equip preschool educators on how to innovateively integrate a higher order cognitive development strategy, Symbolic Representation with the LEGO Play System for character education to pre-schoolers.
Updated 1 Mar 2023
Christian brothers & sisters in the early childhood sector & Sunday school ministry, join the annual Teachers’ Day Dedication Service on 20 Aug 2022 to gather together as God’s family to celebrate & be spiritually ministered by Christian Ministers on our calling for the early childhood ministry. This year’s dedication service is organised by the Methodist denomination.
Updated 2 Aug 2022
The 2022 KinderMovementSG workshop aims to equip preschool educators with innovative ways to integrate ART & DRAMA techniques into the curriculum to heighten preschoolers' awareness about kindness & how to inculcate the value of kindness in preschoolers’ everyday lives.
Updated 31 Dec 2022
The Breakfast Series for Early Childhood Practitioners is a series of talks by leaders & practitioners in the early childhood sector for fellow leaders & practitioners. The aim is to spur one another on towards love & good deeds & encourage everyone in our calling as an educator. The talks are held monthly on first Saturday mornings, and it is ongoing. Admission is COMPLIMENTARY.
Updated 15 March 2022
Music & Movement activities are a powerful & effective way to nurture kindness in our children. KinderMovementSG 2021 is nationwide preschool training programme by the Singapore Kindness Movement, CPA & KPS that will provide teachers with songs, movements and game ideas to promote kindness & good manners in preschoolers in a fun & engaging way.
Updated 1 February 2022
This Children’s Day is Special. It is a day to reflect on how we ALL have a role to play to light the children’s lamps so they grow to reflect image of Christ. In our children is the potential for every virtue to be reflected: caring kindness, empathy and compassion. Find out how, 1,800 little preschoolers & 26 preschools across Singapore MADE THEIR LIGHT SHINE for others & blessed the community!
6 October 2021
Chinese language is a critical language development component of preschool curriculum especially for church-based preschools. On 25 Sep 2021, Christian preschool educators, parents & stakeholders came together for the Early Childhood Chinese Language Symposium 2021 to learn & have dialogue on the learning of Chinese, bilingualism and their importance for early childhood development.
Updated 25 September 2021
The nationwide Early Childhood Teachers' Day Dedication Service 2021 was held on 28 August 2021. It saw Christian brothers & sisters serving in preschools & children ministry across Singapore gathering together to commemorate Teachers’ Day, be spiritually ministered by Christian ministers & renewing their calling as teachers. This year’s theme was - Building Together Hand in Hand. Check out the photos & the video sermons of the dedication service!
28 August 2021
Key To Learning is a unique, developmental cognitive early years curriculum proven to bring unrivalled quantum leaps in children's learning abilities, resulting in exceptional academic, social and personal success. This August, Key To Learning presents a series of lunch-time talks converting various aspects of the programme. Conducted by experienced current and ex-practitioners of the programme, participants will gain new insights to the programme and learn new approaches to educating young children.
1 July 2021
‘Happy Earth Day. Every Day’ is nationwide celebration of God’s creation amongst Christian preschools, Sunday school ministries & teaches children the biblical view of Earth Day. Lesson plans & videos have been prepared for your use. Take a day to talk about how wonderful God’s creation is with children & how we can care for God’s work so that we can enjoy it every day.
1 April 2021
The leaders of all 28 preschools in the Kingdomgarten Preschools Group and KPS Management Committee came together on 27 Mar 2021 at the Kingdomgarten Preschool Leaders’ Forum to fellowship and have dialogue about the strategic direction for the upcoming year for the Christian preschool ministry in Singapore, and reflect upon God’s goodness for the first year.
27 March 2021
Project Good Sam is a nationwide community service initiative and campaign by the Christian Preschool Alliance in partnership with a social service agency, in support of the Singapore Kindness Movement. The Christian Preschool Alliance is inviting all Christian preschools in Singapore to join this exciting nationwide initiative…..
1 March 2021
It is the turn of the year again, and 2020 certainly has been a year like no other. We have endured much dislocation and discomfort, and yet there is so much to be thankful to God for here in Singapore… As we look towards the new year, and the start of school again…..
(An encouragement by Rt. Rev Keith Lai, President, National Council of Churches of Singapore)
28 December 2020
We believe preschool leaders are drivers of organisational change. Leadership Circle is a specially-designed leadership development programme by KPS, that aims to equip our Centre Leaders to lead their centre & people well. Find out what the Leadership Circle is; and the inaugural session held on 11 November 2020!
11 November 2020
The second nationwide Christian Preschool Forum held on 7 November 2020 saw more 100 leaders from Christian preschools across Singapore come together as one body in Christ. There was dialogue about the eminent challenges faced, the available support, & what the Christian preschool community can do together to overcome the challenges.
7 November 2020
The Teachers' Day Dedication Service 2020 held on 22 August 2020 saw more than 400 Christian preschool staff & children ministry workers across Singapore gathering together to commemorate Teachers’ Day. The service inspired the Christian preschool & children ministry community in Singapore to press on & re-dedicate our best to God.
22 August 2020
The Christian Preschool Teachers' Day Dedication 2020 pre-event activities was a nationwide celebration where Christian preschool staff commemorated Teachers’ Day together through symbolic biblical activities. More than 750 preschool staff shared their commitment to God in special wooden boxes, and taught the lesson of 5 loaves & 2 fish to more than 3700 children.
31 July 2020
Organized by the Christian Preschool Alliance, the inaugural nationwide Preschool Teachers' Dedication Service was held at the Orchard Road Presbyterian Church (ORPC) on 31 August 2019. It saw more than 600 staff, teachers, principals and church leaders gathered together to renew their calling to preschool education, to uphold the Christian character and purpose in their preschools.
31 August 2019
"Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end."
As Christians, Easter holds profound significance as it celebrates the central event of our faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without the resurrection, our faith would be in vain, as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:14. - And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.
As we reflect on the resurrection, here are three important meanings to consider…
At the turning of the year, as a new year begins, I find it always good to re-read again this short passage from Genesis 8. This is God’s special covenant promise to Noah and to all life on earth. Some say it is one of the first expressions of an eternal covenant promise in the Bible.
A sense of entitlement among Singaporeans is not only real, it is growing in our culture today. Parents lament that children expect so much and when real life doesn’t meet expectations, the children feel anger and resentment. For such children, offenses come quickly. Instead of compassion, it is easy to be arrogant and see others as lesser beings. It is difficult for entitled children to forgive and easy to hold grudges and make exception for their own behaviours.
For Alyssa, learning to share with her sibling and waiting for her turn to play with toys was formerly a big struggle. Now it is less so because her mother, Ruth Quek, has explained how meeting one’s desires does not justify hurting others
It’s every parents’ heartbeat: the desire that their children grow up in favour with God and man. The formative preschool years are essential in establishing children in the ways of Jesus and giving them a strong foundation in character. Be inspired by what is possible from preschoolers, raised in Christian preschools like Zion Bishan Kindergarten in partnership with parents.
It’s every Christian mother’s heartbeat: the desire that their children grow up in favour with God and man. The formative preschool years are essential in establishing children in the ways of Jesus and giving them a strong foundation in character.
Parents, you are the masters of your children’s upbringing. To you, God has given the privilege & responsibility of raising His children & His disciples for His glory. All of them should know, love, & serve the Lord. To you is given the first right-of-refusal to lead your children to the saving knowledge of Christ & watch them grow. How can we raise a Daniel who will be faithful to the very end…?
It is easy to create an idol out of the promises of an educational system meant for good. Rather than focusing on our children’s individual strength & instilling confidence in God & His promises to unlock their potential in His time, societies’ narrow definition of success can become an idol & rob children of the joy of lifelong learning. But we can be encouraged to resist them like Daniel’s friends…
When Chinese New Year comes, the children of Bethesda (Depot Walk) Kindergarten will greet their parents, elders & visitors with the same blessing other children have also been taught throughout the country. But behind their greeting is a chance to share God’s Blessings as well. The celebration of Chinese New Year is the perfect occasion to emphasise these values. Mrs Chan Lai Youk, the Principal, described how activities ranging from group talk, role-play, art….
For many children, the Lunar New Year is an exciting time of new clothes, gifts of money in hongbaos (red packets), and the presentation of two Mandarin oranges to their elders. It is also a good opportunity to appreciate the Chinese culture with the light of the Christian faith. At two preschools that bring Bible stories and Christian values into the curriculum, the children also learn about.…
Source: Salt&Light
As we approach the turning of the year again, it seems like we have come back to where we were a year ago! 2021 started so propitiously – vaccines arrived in Jan; & numbers decreased; 8 persons could dine together. Then came the Delta variant in May, & now, with the appearing of the Omicron variant, the days ahead look bleak. As we come to the end of this year, it is a good time to pause for just a while & consider God’s words to us…
28 December 2021
5y.o. Emma & Marco unfailingly read a book each day while the rest of the class continues with their reading session, oblivious to the pair that enjoy their own story telling session. Marco is high functioning with additional help needed to optimize his learning. Emma says, “I just want him to learn more. It is hard for him to sit still. But I tell him gently and …”
10 December 2021
With the trying days of the pandemic, many are challenged raising their children. For parents, juggling work and discipline of children in the home is no mean feat. Teachers are truly the unsung heroes who wave the flag of Christ amongst our little children & help bring their faith to life, allowing them to shine like a light to the people around them…..
26 November 2021
As we come to Children’s Day 2021, it certainly seems as if the ongoing pandemic has cast its shadow over every significant celebration this year. Thankfully, the Bible can help, particularly as we approach Children’s Day in the time of coronavirus. The Bible always portrays children as a sign of God’s favour, God’s pleasure and His affection. Psalms 127 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward”.……
Source: Salt&Light
1 October 2021
At this time, as we celebrate National Day, as we remember how very blessed, we are as a nation, as we recall the peace & harmony; safety; security; & comfort that we all enjoy every day, how God has preserved us & prospered us as a people in our past & our present, let us give thanks to God & praise Him for His goodness & grace to us here in Singapore…..
1 August 2021
What is the unique blessing and contribution of Christian education that will best equip our children to face the future? Most of us have heard a lot about Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ), but what about Hope Quotient (HQ)? In recent times, educators are beginning to recognize that IQ and EQ are not enough to do well in life….
1 January 2021
The Christian Preschool Ministry is near collapsing. Today, due to commercialism, competition and complacency, approximately 80 church-based preschools closed their doors in the past 8 years. Against the backdrop of a more secular society, children are introduced to world views that contradicts the bible. We have a crisis. What will the next generation be like?
Source: Impact Magazine
19 November 2020
Tamimi Pohan suffers from an incurable brittle bone disease which means that his bones break easily. Tamimi, then age 6, had been rejected by more than seven schools. But in Bethesda (Depot Walk) Kindergarten, Tamimi was given a space and chance to grow and be himself. Truly God’s love at work.
Source: Salt&Light
18 August 2020
Our Christian values, when taken seriously and heighten collectively can bring about a social impact that will positively influence our society. Let us not lose our Christian character and values. We need to come together to regain our grounds amid the many negative forces that are bombarding and affecting our society at large.
13 August 2020
In recent months, there has been much of discussion about the status of early childhood education in Singapore. Educators and researchers agree that a quality preschool programme has a long-term impact on the development of a child’s character and stands them in good stead for their future formal education.
Source: The Methodist Church in Singapore
29 October 2019
When Pauline Chia walked into Faith Kindergarten to start her new job, she wasn’t expecting to recognise anyone. And she didn’t. Pauline joined Faith Kindergarten as a teacher in December 2005 – exactly 30 years after she left as a child. And the teacher who held her hand as a child became her mentor as an adult. Today, Chia is the vice-principal of the preschool.
Source: Salt&Light
6 September 2019
Three major Christian denominations in Singapore have come together to look into the urgent challenges facing church-based preschools. Falling enrolment and competition from large operators warn of the possible end of the road for non-profit church preschools, reported The Straits Times on July 24. The closure of these preschools would affect over 9,000 children and their families. One of the first actions …
Source: Salt&Light
2 August 2019