MINI & MIGHTY: Preschoolers Learning Loving Values

It’s every Christian mother’s heartbeat:  the desire that their children grow up in favour with God and man. The formative preschool years are essential in establishing children in the ways of Jesus and giving them a strong foundation in character.

Be inspired by what is possible from preschoolers, raised in Christian preschools like Zion Bishan Kindergarten in partnership with parents.

Learning about healing relationships

Feby, mother of Gywneth (five), is happy that her daughter is thriving in an environment that practises loving kindness. She has loving friends and learns forgiveness through the close collaboration between parents and teachers.

Once Gwyneth was accidentally hurt by a rambunctious classmate. But she was taught to reframe her interpretation of hurt and to be more understanding when there was no intent of malice. Forgiveness took some time, but with encouragement and help from teachers, the two little ones are now good friends again.

Her mother says, "I am so glad that children are learning how to increase their circle of friends and get along with others who might be different from themselves. Being able to get along with others and be confident is extremely important to us. I am glad that these values are caught in Zion Bishan Bible Presbyterian Kindergarten."