LOVING TRULY: Preschoolers Learning Loving Values

It’s every parents’ heartbeat:  the desire that their children grow up in favour with God and man. The formative preschool years are essential in establishing children in the ways of Jesus and giving them a strong foundation in character.

Be inspired by what is possible from preschoolers, raised in Christian preschools like Zion Bishan Kindergarten in partnership with parents.

Embracing Grace and Gratitude

Parents of Katerina, Nicole and Juan, see God’s goodness expressed in their lives when they found a preschool which uphold values they themselves subscribe to.

They explained: “We wanted a preschool where the children learn to be grateful, and so, counter our  culture of entitlement. The children at Zion Bishan Kindergarten say grace before meals. Also, we wanted a school where there was discipline and a sense of belonging. Through Aunty June’s bible stories the children are taught respect for authority and devotion to God. They begin to have a relationship with Him.”

In a loving environment, Katerina is able to express her care for others and receive help. “When her classmates fall down, she helps them up and consoles them, she picks some flowers or gives someone a little stone. There are no bullies in this kind of environment,” says Juan, who was originally from Panama.

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