Kingdomgarten Preschool Services

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Raising Daniel (Part 2 Continued)

Photo credits: Zion Bishan Kindergarten

Article By: Dr Oswald Goh

Dr Oswald Goh is an elder of Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church and a committee member of Kingdomgarten Preschool Services.

The book of Daniel 3 relates the famous account of Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, Daniels friends. The three brave Hebrews take a stand against the king of Babylon, refuse to bow to an Nebuchadnezza’s statue, and were thrown into a burning fiery furnace.

It is easy to create an idol out of the promises of an educational system meant for good. I can’t help but relate the biblical story to the situations in Singapore. Currently rather than focusing on our children’s individual strength and instilling confidence in God and HIS promises to unlock their potential in HIS time, it is easy for us to blindly pursue aspirations for their children to join the Gifted Education Programmes, snag prestigious scholarships and ride on the latest educational trends which promise passports to worldly success.

Parents, here’re some humble parenting advice from a grandfather:

You are the master of your children’s upbringing. To you, God has given the privilege & responsibility of raising His children & His disciples for His glory. One of them may become a great pastor; one of them may become a skilled surgeon; one of them may become a prime minister; all of them should know, love, & serve the Lord.

To you is given the first right-of-refusal to lead your children to the saving knowledge of Christ & watch them grow. What should you do? How can we raise a Daniel who will be faithful to the very end?

  1. Pray for your children, every day & night. You will never forget what is needful for your children’s development & wellbeing if you remember to spend time, every day discussing the matter with God.   

  2. Plan for their upbringing – not just their schooling. Remember Christ grew in wisdom (mentally/academically); & stature (bodily/physically); & favour with man (socially/relationally); & God (spiritually). Set goals & targets in all these areas of their lives (not just academically) & then watch them exceed all your expectations.

  3. Spend time with your child – not in front of the TV set, or with a gadget in each hand; but hands-free & un-augmented. Talk to your child & listen to him/her. Tell them your stories & hear theirs. Play with them.

  4. Make time for church every Sunday & Saturday (if there are Saturday programs). ‘Enrich’ them at other times. Remember, only those who know Jesus can be BFFs (Best Friends Forever), because only those who know Christ have eternal life!

  5. Consider a Christian Preschool. We need to face the math – living in 21st century Singapore, unless you are home-schooling your children, you have assigned more of your children’s waking hours to their preschool teacher, than you have retained for yourself (and that is including all their waking hours on weekends!). Good Christian Parenting therefore, must include a thoughtful consideration of a Christian Preschool environment for your child where they can learn God’s truth & experience God’s love from someone whom you trust & who loves God as much as you do. If your church has a preschool ministry, then you are specially blessed & you should take full advantage of it! If your church has no preschool ministry, then look for one to enrol your child in!


BARNA & PEW research have consistently shown that “church-hopping” in the US is a widespread phenomenon with over 40% of regular church-going Christians have changed churches within the last 10 years. The number who remain in the church they were raised in, is likely to be far less. Here in Singapore, that percentage is likely to be even smaller, given the number of churches, density of our population & ease of transportation.

The dividends of investing in a good children’s ministry, therefore, are really not there. Some estimate up to 7 in 10 children may leave churches for another. You are raising disciples for someone else’s congregation. Some may see it in strategic terms – a good & effective children’s ministry attracts young parents to the church & they are the most productive demographic in terms of church growth & ministry. 


Daniel & his 3 friends teach us otherwise in Daniel Chapter 1. The community & “church” that raised these young boys were fulfilling a far greater mandate – God’s purpose. Daniel remained in administrative office throughout the entire period of exile of his people. His church, community, & family raised him for God’s kingdom, God’s people, & God’s glory.

We need to break out of this short-sighted perspective of only focusing on our own church’s needs & members. We need to recognize that Apollos reaped what Paul sowed; but Paul also reaped what Apollos sowed. The Christian preschool is a unique ministry that transcends church & denominational borders – we are both benefactors as well as beneficiaries.

The Christian preschool ministry is truly a Kingdom Ministry. 

Consider again the preschool ministry in your church. If the church has no Christian preschool ministry, would you consider giving to sister churches who have? Or investing it as a seed money in a denominational Preschool Ministry Fund to rescue denominational preschools & rebuild the denominational preschool ministry. And if you have money left over, consider other struggling Christian preschools outside the denomination!


The late Dr Bobby Sng, beloved missionary & teacher, once said that there are 2 ways to “do missions”:

  • one is to go to where the world is;

  • and the other is to go to where the world comes to you.

Christian researchers on evangelism describe a “golden window”, which some call “the 4/14 window”. They find that anywhere between 60, up to 80 percent of Christians report coming to Christ between the ages of 4 & 14 years. Yes, you read that correctly, up to 4 in 5 Christians, came to know & love the Lord Jesus, between 4 & 14 years old.

For preschool professionals, consider these facts:

  • Each year, a whole new world of little people come through your doors;

  • And you have the highest success rates of any missionary or evangelist in the world;

  • You are the one who can exert the greatest influence on your child’s life for God;

  • Because you are situated in the greatest & the most fruitful mission field in the world.

The Christion preschool ministry is perhaps, the most important, the most effective, the most valuable, the most successful and yet the most overlooked, and forgotten Mission. Preschool professionals are the church’s most important missionary.   

What higher calling can the church aspire to? What initiative could Christians engage in that is more important or could bear more fruit over the long run? What alternative does the church have to secure her future? Surely, we can be motivated and moved by the needs and the vast potential in this ministry that is so close to the heart of God. After all, is that not our heart’s desire? That we should raise a Daniel for His glory.