About Us

Our History

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About the
Christian Preschool Alliance (CPA)


Formed in 2019, the CPA is an inter-denominational nationwide Christian movement and framework for Christian preschools to come under one alliance group, committed to specific values, standards and goals.

The CPA is a movement supported by representatives from the major denominations and churches, which includes:

  • the Presbyterian Church in Singapore

  • the Lutheran Church in Singapore

  • the Methodist Church in Singapore

  • the Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore

Many of the representatives in CPA are officially appointed by the heads of their denominations and churches.

With the formation of CPA, an inaugural Preschool Teachers’ Day Dedication was organised in 2019 by CPA to bring all Christians working in the early childhood sector in Singapore together to unite God’s Kingdom workers.

CPA’s Vision

Nurturing Minds, Touching Hearts, Transforming Lives in the Early Childhood Sector by Sharing God’s Truth and Love.

The Birth of Kingdomgarten Preschool Services


In 2019, the CPA made a unanimous leadership decision to establish a non-profit company with full-time staff to achieve its vision.

In 2020, Kingdomgarten Preschool Services (KPS) Ltd. was established with the support of the Christian Preschool Alliance (CPA). KPS is a non-profit organization, incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee.


CPA’s Statement of Faith, Quality & Commitment

Shared Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible alone is our highest authority, that we are saved by the grace of God alone, through faith alone in Christ, who alone is our Lord and Saviour, and everything is to the glory of God alone.


Shared Statement of Quality

We endeavour to provide high quality programmes that:

  • Cherish every child who is uniquely created in the image of God

  • Create safe and positive environment

  • Advance play-based learning and responsive instruction

  • Promote families’ roles as primary caregivers, teachers, and advocates

  • Provide care and support for staff in their personal well-being, professional and spiritual growth


Shared Statement of Commitment

We are committed to this endeavour with the following mindsets:

  • Kingdom-garten Mindset: As leaders of the Christian Preschools, we believe that our preschools are part of God’s Kingdom-garten ministry to bring the good news to the children, their parents, our staff and the community. We will provide the necessary support to help the preschool to achieve its mission.

  • Body-of-Christ Mindset: As one united body in Christ, we are committed to support one another in words, actions and prayers. We will help to build each other up so that others will know that we are His followers.

  • Courage Mindset: Knowing that God is for us, we will be courageous in our daily effort to care for the children, support the teachers and reach out to the parents.

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Mission of

Kingdomgarten Preschool Services

Kingdomgarten Preschool Services (KPS) endeavors to be a Centre of Excellence (CoE) that provides leadership, best practices, training and support for Christian Preschools so that they can nurture minds, touch hearts and transform lives through the sharing of God’s Truth and Love.


Members of our Company

The Members of our Company are inter-denominational and comprise the following churches and denominations:







Representatives from the Methodist denomination


Management Committee of KPS


Elder Alvin Ooi


Directors Representing the Presbyterian Church in Singapore (PCS)

Reverend Teo Yew Tiong

General Secretary, PCS

Representative of PCS

Reverend Wong Shyun Jye

Chairman, Presbyterian Education Council (PEC)

Alternate Representative of PCS



Reverend Eric Chan Chee Keong

LCS EXCO - Education

Representative of LCS

Ms Agnes Loo

Principal, Lutheran Childcare Centre

Alternate Representative of LCS


Directors Representing the Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore (BPCIS)

Elder Dr Oswald Goh

Elder, Zion Serangoon Bible-Presbyterian Church

Representative of BPCIS

Elder Patrick Kang

Elder & Secretary of Board, Shalom Bible-Presbyterian Church

Alternate Representative of BPCIS


Other Directors

Ms Kwok Wan Yee

Member, Charis Methodist Church


Mr Liaw Chun Huan

Member, Faith Methodist Kindergarten Management Committee



Staff Team

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From Left: Jasmine Tan, Fred Lai, Thng Lay Choo

Representatives in the CPA

The CPA comprises all in the KPS Management Committee and the following representatives:

Reverend David Lim

Executive Director, Presbyterian Community Services

Reverend Eric Ang

Senior Pastor, Sembawang Presbyterian Church / Edelweiss Preschool

Ms Lily Foo

Principal, Queenstown Lutheran Church Luther Preschool

Mr Jake Goh

Principal, The Montessori Playroom Kindergarten

Mr Steven Lee

Chairman, Sengkang Methodist Children Centre Management Committee

Ms Vivian How

Chairperson, Kampong Kapor Methodist Church Kindergarten

Mr Sam Tan

Member, Kampong Kapor Methodist Church Kindergarten