Kingdomgarten Preschool Services

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The Hope Quotient for 2021

President, National Council of Churches of Singapore

After going through a tumultuous and disruptive 2020, and still in midst all the uncertainties of life, how best do we as teachers and parents prepare our children for the year ahead?

What is the unique blessing and contribution of Christian education that will best equip our children to face the future?

Most of us have heard a lot about Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ), but what about Hope Quotient (HQ)?

In recent times, educators are beginning to recognize that IQ and EQ are not enough to do well in life. After researching seven years, Roy Johnston wrote the book, “The Hope Quotient”. He came to this conclusion, “… thriving people thrive for one reason – they commit to things that produce inner strength and hope”.

 Well, the Bible has much to say about hope. Let me highlight two passages from Romans 5,

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.“

Here hope is closely connected with God and His love. The resilience in the face of hardship, sufferings and adverse circumstances, results in a hope that is sustained by the outpoured love of God. Here Paul is not talking about a theoretical, head knowledge kind of “love” but an experiential, dynamic and life changing love.

13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Here we are introduced to the Source of joyful, peaceful and durable hope. It is from a God who specializes in hope. And the key that turns on this supernatural flow of hope is “trust in him”.  When we trust in Christ as Saviour and Lord, we are connected to the Source and overflow of hope.

Above everything that we can give and teach our children, is the precious gift of hope in God through Jesus Christ which will prepare them well for whatever they may face in life. The greatest gift teachers and parents can give our children and students – hope!

Many years ago, I had the great fortune of meeting Nick Vujicic and hear his amazing story of, rebounding back to life, even though he was born without limbs. What turned him around after struggling with despair and suicide, was finding hope and meaning in Christ. Read his life story and listen to his talks. He will inspire you to live with hope, no matter how difficult life can become. This is the best way we can equip our children face whatever challenges in 2021, with joy and confidence.


President, National Council of Churches of Singapore